Mixed-Orientation Marriage: Pathways to Success

Mixed-Orientation Marriage Musings

Mixed-Orientation Marriage Musings is our personal blog and forum to share thoughts and reflections on topics that may be of interest to couples who are in mixed-orientation marriages and relationships. It is more informal than the online book section on our site. Posts include works in progress as ideas for inclusion in the book , informal reflections on human relations and sexuality , and general observations that support mixed-orientation marriage happiness and success. 

Featured Posts

Variations in Gender

Some bisexual , gay and lesbian spouses have variations in gender in addition to their sexual orientation. These variations also fall on a continuum. For some it is more gender play than any desire to actually transition. Read more

Challenges Writing About Mixed-Orientation Marriages

I prefer having a two way verbal conversation with mixed-orientation marriage couples over the one way nature of writing a book or a web page. This post digs into some of the challenges I found in writing Mixed-Orientation Marriage Pathways to Success . Read More..

Bisexuals Married to Asexuals

In a Mixed-Orientation Marriage Over decades of hearing others stories about other relationships and sexuality there are recurring themes and dynamics that occur often enough to be a “thing” . One of the more common situations I hear is the emergence of the bisexual spouses needs due to acceptance of the asexual spouses lower interest in sexual activity. As asexuality has become a more accepted part of the sexuality spectrum it has created the need to address the broader effects on the relationship. I address some thoughts in this post as well as in our book. .. Read More

Personal Growth Experiences

It is a Win Win The process of mixed-orientation marriage identity development can also have opportunities for personal growth by both the husband and wife. The struggles and challenges of mixed-orientation relationships are very real yet research shows that personal growth is sometimes an element as well. As I describe in this post variations in sexual orientation can be a feature of our marriages not a bug. Read More