Mixed-Orientation Marriage: Pathways to Success
Mixed-orientation marriages are often discovered later in the relationship. Research shows that many of these late discovery mixed-orientation marriages don’t survive over the long term. If so many of these relationships fail , one could legitimately ask why do I write about mixed orientation marriage success? My answer is simple. No matter how small the percentage of successful mixed-orientation marriages, the number of couples who may find a workable solution is an unbelievable number of people. There are an estimated one million to two million mixed orientation marriages in the United States alone. Researchers have found the number of marriages that survive difficult to quantify but estimates range from 17% to 30% . When one looks at mixed-orientation marriages with one spouse identifying as bisexual there is some evidence that the percentages that stay together may be even higher. If only two , or three out of ten of those couples find mixed orientation marriage success that’s hundreds of thousands couples.
If just one mixed orientation marriage couple finds a kinder gentler world as a result of the ideas and strategies I write about then my efforts will be worthwhile. When I consider it could be thousands over the years, that is why I am here . I do make it very clear that mixed-orientation relationships are not for everyone. I am here for those who want to make their mixed orientation marriage work. When I first came out I was discouraged . Most of the messaging said there is no hope so don’t even bother trying.
I love my wife . She is my best friend and I was desperate to find some positive information about mixed orientation marriages and how to make them a success. When I came out In 2007 I couldn’t find very much positive support for our decision to make our mixed orientation marriage work. I decided to try and make it easier for the next couple so here I am. . No matter how few find happiness in their mixed orientation marriage, the fact is , some couples do. Even those who end up divorced can make it a kinder process if they navigate through the process with knowledge and understanding of what’s going on.
This entry was posted in Mixed-Orientation Marriage and tagged mixed-orientation marriage on March 11, 2019.
Mixed Orientation Marriage Pathways to Success
Free online book for couples in mixed-orientation relationships Read online at:
Mixed-Orientation Marriage: Pathways to Success