Mixed-Orientation Marriage

2018 Changes to mixedorientation.com

... While I recognize that many have found my writings here helpful the inherent limitations of writing on a topic as complex as mixed-orientation relationships leaves me wanting to find a better way to support the mixed-orientation relationship community. I constantly evaluate what can I do to leave our world a ;kinder and gentler place than before I found it and my writings on bisexuality, variations in gender and mixed-orientation relationships have been one of my efforts to do that .

All this said  I prefer one-on-one verbal discussions over written materials because of the give and take inherent in a verbal exchange. In other words the individual response to what is said allows for the rest of the conversation to reflect and benefit from the new information of the response.

The single greatest challenge I face in writing about our sexuality and relationships is how many different ways we experience human sexuality and interpersonal relatgionships.  The problem with writing a book or a website is it removes the benefit of the individual nature of the  new information / new response dynamic found in a verbal exchange of information.

I have struggled with how to handle this challenge from the earliest beginnings of my writing about relationships and sexuality. Over the last decade I have experimented with book length resources, blogs and short pamphlets . None of these writings really conveyed the information in a way that matches the benefits of spoken conversation. I hope to find a better solution to these challenges going forward.  As part of the process of finding a better solution I will be experimenting with the contents   of Mixed-Orientation Marriage Pathways to Success to see if I can better address the varied pathways we take to celebrate our sexual diversity.